class: center, middle `(use 'clojure.core.logic)` --- class: center, middle # The Kibit rule system Jonas Enlund Helsinki, April 2013 --- # Kibit --- # Kibit * Kibit is a static code analyzer for Clojure --- # Kibit * Kibit is a static code analyzer for Clojure * Implemented as a leiningen plugin --- # Kibit * Kibit is a static code analyzer for Clojure * Implemented as a leiningen plugin * Looks for code patterns with more idiomatic alternatives --- # Kibit * Kibit is a static code analyzer for Clojure * Implemented as a leiningen plugin * Looks for code patterns with more idiomatic alternatives * The rule system is built with core.logic --- ``` $ lein kibit src/overtone/examples/compositions/jazz.clj ``` --- ``` $ lein kibit src/overtone/examples/compositions/jazz.clj At src/overtone/examples/compositions/jazz.clj:100: Consider using: (if-not (zero? (mod beat 2)) (dec n) (limit (+ n (rand-nth jazz-intervals)) maxbass minbass)) instead of: (if (not (zero? (mod beat 2))) (dec n) (limit (+ n (rand-nth jazz-intervals)) maxbass minbass)) ``` --- ``` $ lein kibit src/overtone/examples/compositions/jazz.clj At src/overtone/examples/compositions/jazz.clj:100: Consider using: (if-not (zero? (mod beat 2)) (dec n) (limit (+ n (rand-nth jazz-intervals)) maxbass minbass)) instead of: (if (not (zero? (mod beat 2))) (dec n) (limit (+ n (rand-nth jazz-intervals)) maxbass minbass)) At src/overtone/examples/compositions/jazz.clj:114: Consider using: (inc beat) instead of: (+ beat 1) ``` --- ``` $ lein kibit src/overtone/examples/compositions/jazz.clj At src/overtone/examples/compositions/jazz.clj:100: Consider using: (if-not (zero? (mod beat 2)) (dec n) (limit (+ n (rand-nth jazz-intervals)) maxbass minbass)) instead of: (if (not (zero? (mod beat 2))) (dec n) (limit (+ n (rand-nth jazz-intervals)) maxbass minbass)) At src/overtone/examples/compositions/jazz.clj:114: Consider using: (inc beat) instead of: (+ beat 1) At src/overtone/examples/compositions/jazz.clj:133: Consider using: (let [start (+ 1 (metro))] (at (metro start) (rotater-on note vel)) (apply-by (metro (+ len start)) #'rotater-off [note])) instead of: (let [start (+ 1 (metro))] (do (at (metro start) (rotater-on note vel)) (apply-by (metro (+ len start)) #'rotater-off [note]))) ``` --- # Rules ```clojure (defrules rules [(if (not ?pred) ?then ?else) (if-not ?pred ?then ?else)] [(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)] [(let ?binding (do . ?body)) (let ?binding . ?body)] ;; etc ... ) ``` --- class: center middle # Implementation details (no prior knowledge of `core.logic` required) --- # Quick intro to core.logic ```clojure (run* [q] (== 42 q)) ``` --- # Quick intro to core.logic ```clojure (run* [q] (== 42 q)) ;; (42) ``` --- # Quick intro to core.logic ```clojure (run* [q] (== 42 q)) ;; (42) (run* [q] (== q '(+ 42 1))) ``` --- # Quick intro to core.logic ```clojure (run* [q] (== 42 q)) ;; (42) (run* [q] (== q '(+ 42 1))) ;; ((+ 42 1)) ``` --- # Quick intro to core.logic ```clojure (run* [q] (== 42 q)) ;; (42) (run* [q] (== q '(+ 42 1))) ;; ((+ 42 1)) (run* [q] (== `(+ ~q 1) `(+ 42 1))) ``` --- # Quick intro to core.logic ```clojure (run* [q] (== 42 q)) ;; (42) (run* [q] (== q '(+ 42 1))) ;; ((+ 42 1)) (run* [q] (== `(+ ~q 1) `(+ 42 1))) ;; (42) ``` --- # Quick intro to core.logic ```clojure (run* [q] (== 42 q)) ;; (42) (run* [q] (== q '(+ 42 1))) ;; ((+ 42 1)) (run* [q] (== `(+ ~q 1) `(+ 42 1))) ;; (42) (run* [q] (fresh [x] (== `(+ ~x 1) `(+ 42 1)) (== `(inc ~x) q))) ``` --- # Quick intro to core.logic ```clojure (run* [q] (== 42 q)) ;; (42) (run* [q] (== q '(+ 42 1))) ;; ((+ 42 1)) (run* [q] (== `(+ ~q 1) `(+ 42 1))) ;; (42) (run* [q] (fresh [x] (== `(+ ~x 1) `(+ 42 1)) (== `(inc ~x) q))) ;; ((clojure.core/inc 42)) ``` --- # `(inc-rule
)` --- # `(inc-rule
)` ```clojure (defn inc-rule [form] (run* [q] (fresh [x] (== `(+ ~x 1) form) (== `(inc ~x) q)))) ``` --- # `(inc-rule
)` ```clojure (defn inc-rule [form] (run* [q] (fresh [x] (== `(+ ~x 1) form) (== `(inc ~x) q)))) (inc-rule `(+ 42 1)) ``` --- # `(inc-rule
)` ```clojure (defn inc-rule [form] (run* [q] (fresh [x] (== `(+ ~x 1) form) (== `(inc ~x) q)))) (inc-rule `(+ 42 1)) ;; ((clojure.core/inc 42)) ``` --- # `(inc-rule
)` ```clojure (defn inc-rule [form] (run* [q] (fresh [x] (== `(+ ~x 1) form) (== `(inc ~x) q)))) (inc-rule `(+ 42 1)) ;; ((clojure.core/inc 42)) (inc-rule `(map inc [1 2 3])) ``` --- # `(inc-rule
)` ```clojure (defn inc-rule [form] (run* [q] (fresh [x] (== `(+ ~x 1) form) (== `(inc ~x) q)))) (inc-rule `(+ 42 1)) ;; ((clojure.core/inc 42)) (inc-rule `(map inc [1 2 3])) ;; () ``` --- # `((rule [
)` --- # `((rule [
)` ```clojure (defn rule [[patt subst]] (fn [form] (run* [q] (== patt form) (== subst q)))) ``` --- # `((rule [
)` ```clojure (defn rule [[patt subst]] (fn [form] (run* [q] (== patt form) (== subst q)))) ((rule [`(+ ~(lvar 'x false) 1) `(inc ~(lvar 'x false))]) `(+ 42 1)) ``` --- # `((rule [
)` ```clojure (defn rule [[patt subst]] (fn [form] (run* [q] (== patt form) (== subst q)))) ((rule [`(+ ~(lvar 'x false) 1) `(inc ~(lvar 'x false))]) `(+ 42 1)) ;; ((clojure.core/inc 42)) ``` --- # `((rule [
)` ```clojure (defn rule [[patt subst]] (fn [form] (run* [q] (== patt form) (== subst q)))) ((rule [`(+ ~(lvar 'x false) 1) `(inc ~(lvar 'x false))]) `(+ 42 1)) ;; ((clojure.core/inc 42)) (let [coll (lvar 'coll false) keys (lvar 'keys false) val (lvar 'val false) update-in-rule (rule [`(update-in ~coll ~keys assoc ~val) `(assoc-in ~coll ~keys ~val)]) form `(update-in {:x {:y 0}} [:x :z] assoc 0)] (update-in-rule form)) ``` --- # `((rule [
)` ```clojure (defn rule [[patt subst]] (fn [form] (run* [q] (== patt form) (== subst q)))) ((rule [`(+ ~(lvar 'x false) 1) `(inc ~(lvar 'x false))]) `(+ 42 1)) ;; ((clojure.core/inc 42)) (let [coll (lvar 'coll false) keys (lvar 'keys false) val (lvar 'val false) update-in-rule (rule [`(update-in ~coll ~keys assoc ~val) `(assoc-in ~coll ~keys ~val)]) form `(update-in {:x {:y 0}} [:x :z] assoc 0)] (update-in-rule form)) ;; ((clojure.core/assoc-in {:x {:y 0}} [:x :z] 0)) ``` --- # Prepare for something better --- # Prepare for something better ```clojure (defn prepare [form] (walk/prewalk #(if (and (symbol? %) (.startsWith (name %) "?")) (lvar % false) %) form)) ``` --- # Prepare for something better ```clojure (defn prepare [form] (walk/prewalk #(if (and (symbol? %) (.startsWith (name %) "?")) (lvar % false) %) form)) (prepare '[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)]) ``` --- # Prepare for something better ```clojure (defn prepare [form] (walk/prewalk #(if (and (symbol? %) (.startsWith (name %) "?")) (lvar % false) %) form)) (prepare '[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)]) ;; [(+
1) (inc
)] ``` --- # Prepare for something better ```clojure (defn prepare [form] (walk/prewalk #(if (and (symbol? %) (.startsWith (name %) "?")) (lvar % false) %) form)) (prepare '[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)]) ;; [(+
1) (inc
)] ((rule (prepare '[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)])) '(+ x 1)) ``` --- # Prepare for something better ```clojure (defn prepare [form] (walk/prewalk #(if (and (symbol? %) (.startsWith (name %) "?")) (lvar % false) %) form)) (prepare '[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)]) ;; [(+
1) (inc
)] ((rule (prepare '[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)])) '(+ x 1)) ;; ((inc x)) ``` --- # Prepare for something better ```clojure (defn prepare [form] (walk/prewalk #(if (and (symbol? %) (.startsWith (name %) "?")) (lvar % false) %) form)) (prepare '[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)]) ;; [(+
1) (inc
)] ((rule (prepare '[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)])) '(+ x 1)) ;; ((inc x)) ((rule (prepare '[(update-in ?coll ?keys assoc ?val) (assoc-in ?coll ?keys ?val)])) '(update-in coll [:x :y] assoc 42)) ``` --- # Prepare for something better ```clojure (defn prepare [form] (walk/prewalk #(if (and (symbol? %) (.startsWith (name %) "?")) (lvar % false) %) form)) (prepare '[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)]) ;; [(+
1) (inc
)] ((rule (prepare '[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)])) '(+ x 1)) ;; ((inc x)) ((rule (prepare '[(update-in ?coll ?keys assoc ?val) (assoc-in ?coll ?keys ?val)])) '(update-in coll [:x :y] assoc 42)) ;; ((assoc-in coll [:x :y] 42)) ``` --- # Rule v.2 --- # Rule v.2 ```clojure (defn rule [r] (let [r (prepare r)] (fn [form] (run* [q] (fresh [patt subst] (== [patt subst] r) (== patt form) (== [form subst] q)))))) ``` --- # Rule v.2 ```clojure (defn rule [r] (let [r (prepare r)] (fn [form] (run* [q] (fresh [patt subst] (== [patt subst] r) (== patt form) (== [form subst] q)))))) ((rule '[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)]) '(+ 42 1)) ``` --- # Rule v.2 ```clojure (defn rule [r] (let [r (prepare r)] (fn [form] (run* [q] (fresh [patt subst] (== [patt subst] r) (== patt form) (== [form subst] q)))))) ((rule '[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)]) '(+ 42 1)) ;; ([(+ 42 1) (inc 42)]) ``` --- # Intermission: Meet membero --- # Intermission: Meet membero ```clojure (run* [q] (membero q [1 2 3 4])) ``` --- # Intermission: Meet membero ```clojure (run* [q] (membero q [1 2 3 4])) ;; (1 2 3 4) ``` --- # Intermission: Meet membero ```clojure (run* [q] (membero q [1 2 3 4])) ;; (1 2 3 4) (run* [q] (membero 2 [1 q 3 4])) ``` --- # Intermission: Meet membero ```clojure (run* [q] (membero q [1 2 3 4])) ;; (1 2 3 4) (run* [q] (membero 2 [1 q 3 4])) ;; (2) ``` --- # Intermission: Meet membero ```clojure (run* [q] (membero q [1 2 3 4])) ;; (1 2 3 4) (run* [q] (membero 2 [1 q 3 4])) ;; (2) (run* [q] (fresh [x y] (== x y) (membero x [1 2 3 4]) (membero y [3 4 5 6]) (== q [x y]))) ``` --- # Intermission: Meet membero ```clojure (run* [q] (membero q [1 2 3 4])) ;; (1 2 3 4) (run* [q] (membero 2 [1 q 3 4])) ;; (2) (run* [q] (fresh [x y] (== x y) (membero x [1 2 3 4]) (membero y [3 4 5 6]) (== q [x y]))) ;; ([3 3] [4 4]) ``` --- # rules, rules, rules! --- # rules, rules, rules! ```clojure (defn rules [rs] (let [rs (map prepare rs)] (fn [form] (run* [q] (fresh [patt subst] (membero [patt subst] rs) (== patt form) (== [form subst] q)))))) ``` --- # rules, rules, rules! ```clojure (defn rules [rs] (let [rs (map prepare rs)] (fn [form] (run* [q] (fresh [patt subst] (membero [patt subst] rs) (== patt form) (== [form subst] q)))))) (defmacro defrules [name & rs] `(def ~name (rules (quote ~rs)))) ``` --- # rules, rules, rules! ```clojure (defn rules [rs] (let [rs (map prepare rs)] (fn [form] (run* [q] (fresh [patt subst] (membero [patt subst] rs) (== patt form) (== [form subst] q)))))) (defmacro defrules [name & rs] `(def ~name (rules (quote ~rs)))) (defrules my-rules [(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)] [(- ?x 1) (dec ?x)] [(< 0 ?x) (pos? ?x)] [(< ?x 0) (neg? ?x)] [(if ?test ?else nil) (when ?test ?else)] [(into [] ?coll) (vec ?coll)] [(apply concat (map ?f ?xs)) (mapcat ?f ?xs)]) ``` --- # Test run --- # Test run ```clojure (my-rules '(if (some f xs) f nil)) ``` --- # Test run ```clojure (my-rules '(if (some f xs) f nil)) ;; ([(if (some f xs) f nil) (when (some f xs) f)]) ``` --- # Test run ```clojure (my-rules '(if (some f xs) f nil)) ;; ([(if (some f xs) f nil) (when (some f xs) f)]) (my-rules '(fn [x] (if (< x 0) (+ x 1) nil))) ``` --- # Test run ```clojure (my-rules '(if (some f xs) f nil)) ;; ([(if (some f xs) f nil) (when (some f xs) f)]) (my-rules '(fn [x] (if (< x 0) (+ x 1) nil))) ;; () ``` --- # tree-seq and membero --- # tree-seq and membero ```clojure (tree-seq sequential? seq '(map (fn [x y] (+ x y)) xs)) ``` --- # tree-seq and membero ```clojure (tree-seq sequential? seq '(map (fn [x y] (+ x y)) xs)) ;; ((map (fn [x y] (+ x y)) xs), ;; map, (fn [x y] (+ x y)), fn, ;; [x y], x, y, (+ x y), +, x ;; y, xs) ``` --- # tree-seq and membero ```clojure (tree-seq sequential? seq '(map (fn [x y] (+ x y)) xs)) ;; ((map (fn [x y] (+ x y)) xs), ;; map, (fn [x y] (+ x y)), fn, ;; [x y], x, y, (+ x y), +, x ;; y, xs) (defn rules [rs] (let [rs (map prepare rs)] (fn [form] (run* [q] (fresh [patt subst subform] (membero [patt subst] rs) (membero subform (tree-seq sequential? seq form)) (== patt subform) (== [subform subst] q)))))) ``` --- # tree-seq and membero ```clojure (tree-seq sequential? seq '(map (fn [x y] (+ x y)) xs)) ;; ((map (fn [x y] (+ x y)) xs), ;; map, (fn [x y] (+ x y)), fn, ;; [x y], x, y, (+ x y), +, x ;; y, xs) (defn rules [rs] (let [rs (map prepare rs)] (fn [form] (run* [q] (fresh [patt subst subform] (membero [patt subst] rs) (membero subform (tree-seq sequential? seq form)) (== patt subform) (== [subform subst] q)))))) (my-rules '(fn [x] (if (< x 0) (+ x 1) nil)) ``` --- # tree-seq and membero ```clojure (tree-seq sequential? seq '(map (fn [x y] (+ x y)) xs)) ;; ((map (fn [x y] (+ x y)) xs), ;; map, (fn [x y] (+ x y)), fn, ;; [x y], x, y, (+ x y), +, x ;; y, xs) (defn rules [rs] (let [rs (map prepare rs)] (fn [form] (run* [q] (fresh [patt subst subform] (membero [patt subst] rs) (membero subform (tree-seq sequential? seq form)) (== patt subform) (== [subform subst] q)))))) (my-rules '(fn [x] (if (< x 0) (+ x 1) nil)) ;; ([(+ x 1) (inc x)] ;; [(< x 0) (neg? x)] ;; [(if (< x 0) (+ x 1) nil) (when (< x 0) (+ x 1))]) ``` --- # Simplify ```clojure (defn simplify* [form rules-fn] (walk/prewalk-replace (into {} (rules-fn form)) form)) ``` --- # Simplify ```clojure (defn simplify* [form rules-fn] (walk/prewalk-replace (into {} (rules-fn form)) form)) (simplify* '(fn [x] (if (< x 0) (+ x 1) nil)) my-rules) ``` --- # Simplify ```clojure (defn simplify* [form rules-fn] (walk/prewalk-replace (into {} (rules-fn form)) form)) (simplify* '(fn [x] (if (< x 0) (+ x 1) nil)) my-rules) ;; (fn [x] ;; (when (neg? x) ;; (inc x))) ``` --- # Simplify ```clojure (defn simplify* [form rules-fn] (walk/prewalk-replace (into {} (rules-fn form)) form)) (simplify* '(defn my-fun [xs] (apply concat (map (fn [x] (into [] (if (< x 0) [(- x 1) (+ x 1)] nil))) xs))) my-rules) ``` --- # Simplify ```clojure (defn simplify* [form rules-fn] (walk/prewalk-replace (into {} (rules-fn form)) form)) (simplify* '(defn my-fun [xs] (apply concat (map (fn [x] (into [] (if (< x 0) [(- x 1) (+ x 1)] nil))) xs))) my-rules) ;; (defn my-fun [xs] ;; (mapcat (fn [x] ;; (vec (when (neg? x) ;; [(dec x) (inc x)]))) ;; xs)) ``` --- # Recursive rules ```clojure (defrules max-rule [(max z ?x) ?x] [(max ?x z) ?x] [(max (s ?x) (s ?y)) (s (max ?x ?y))]) ``` --- # Recursive rules ```clojure (defrules max-rule [(max z ?x) ?x] [(max ?x z) ?x] [(max (s ?x) (s ?y)) (s (max ?x ?y))]) (simplify* '(max (s (s (s z))) (s (s (s (s (s z)))))) max-rule) ``` --- # Recursive rules ```clojure (defrules max-rule [(max z ?x) ?x] [(max ?x z) ?x] [(max (s ?x) (s ?y)) (s (max ?x ?y))]) (simplify* '(max (s (s (s z))) (s (s (s (s (s z)))))) max-rule) ;; (s (max (s (s z)) ;; (s (s (s (s z)))))) ``` --- # Recursive rules ```clojure (defrules max-rule [(max z ?x) ?x] [(max ?x z) ?x] [(max (s ?x) (s ?y)) (s (max ?x ?y))]) (simplify* '(max (s (s (s z))) (s (s (s (s (s z)))))) max-rule) ;; (s (max (s (s z)) ;; (s (s (s (s z)))))) (defn simplify [form rules-fn] (loop [form form] (let [new-form (simplify* form rules-fn)] (if (= new-form form) form (recur form))))) ``` --- # Recursive rules ```clojure (defrules max-rule [(max z ?x) ?x] [(max ?x z) ?x] [(max (s ?x) (s ?y)) (s (max ?x ?y))]) (simplify* '(max (s (s (s z))) (s (s (s (s (s z)))))) max-rule) ;; (s (max (s (s z)) ;; (s (s (s (s z)))))) (defn simplify [form rules-fn] (loop [form form] (let [new-form (simplify* form rules-fn)] (if (= new-form form) form (recur form))))) (simplify '(max (s (s (s z))) (s (s (s (s (s z)))))) max-rule) ``` --- # Recursive rules ```clojure (defrules max-rule [(max z ?x) ?x] [(max ?x z) ?x] [(max (s ?x) (s ?y)) (s (max ?x ?y))]) (simplify* '(max (s (s (s z))) (s (s (s (s (s z)))))) max-rule) ;; (s (max (s (s z)) ;; (s (s (s (s z)))))) (defn simplify [form rules-fn] (loop [form form] (let [new-form (simplify* form rules-fn)] (if (= new-form form) form (recur form))))) (simplify '(max (s (s (s z))) (s (s (s (s (s z)))))) max-rule) ;; (s (s (s (s (s z))))) ``` --- # Insertion sort ```clojure (defrules insertion-sort [(max z ?x) ?x] [(max ?x z) ?x] [(max (s ?x) (s ?y)) (s (max ?x ?y))] [(min z ?x) z] [(min ?x z) z] [(min (s ?x) (s ?y)) (s (min ?x ?y))] [(sort nil) nil] [(sort (cons ?x ?y)) (insert ?x (sort ?y))] [(insert ?x nil) (cons ?x nil)] [(insert ?x (cons ?y ?z)) (cons (min ?x ?y) (insert (max ?x ?y) ?z))]) ``` --- # Insertion sort ```clojure (defrules insertion-sort [(max z ?x) ?x] [(max ?x z) ?x] [(max (s ?x) (s ?y)) (s (max ?x ?y))] [(min z ?x) z] [(min ?x z) z] [(min (s ?x) (s ?y)) (s (min ?x ?y))] [(sort nil) nil] [(sort (cons ?x ?y)) (insert ?x (sort ?y))] [(insert ?x nil) (cons ?x nil)] [(insert ?x (cons ?y ?z)) (cons (min ?x ?y) (insert (max ?x ?y) ?z))]) (simplify '(sort (cons (s (s z)) (cons (s z) (cons (s (s (s z))) (cons z nil))))) insertion-sort) ``` --- # Insertion sort ```clojure (defrules insertion-sort [(max z ?x) ?x] [(max ?x z) ?x] [(max (s ?x) (s ?y)) (s (max ?x ?y))] [(min z ?x) z] [(min ?x z) z] [(min (s ?x) (s ?y)) (s (min ?x ?y))] [(sort nil) nil] [(sort (cons ?x ?y)) (insert ?x (sort ?y))] [(insert ?x nil) (cons ?x nil)] [(insert ?x (cons ?y ?z)) (cons (min ?x ?y) (insert (max ?x ?y) ?z))]) (simplify '(sort (cons (s (s z)) (cons (s z) (cons (s (s (s z))) (cons z nil))))) insertion-sort) ;; (cons z ;; (cons (s z) ;; (cons (s (s z)) ;; (cons (s (s (s z))) ;; nil)))) ``` --- class: center middle # Thanks for listening! # ?questions code: [``]( slides: [``]( More about term rewriting systems (TRS): [``](